Crisps, sweets, biscuits, cakes and sugary drinks

We know it can be difficult to make big changes, small and simple changes are best.

These types of foods are best eaten in smaller amounts. This can be difficult as they taste good and can be very appealing
  • Large portion sizes are easy to find, and sometimes it can be difficult not to eat the whole bag
  • Choose a smaller bar or packet if you can. This could help avoid the temptation to eat more than you wanted
  • Split any large bags of sweets, chocolate or crisps into smaller portions before you start eating
  • Remove the amount you want to eat instead of eating straight from the packet to avoid over eating
  • Suggested serving sizes might be included on the packaging of some other products, such as breakfast cereals or sweets

Remember to check the suggested portion sizes on packets.

Eating fewer unhealthy snacks

How to eat fewer unhealthy snacks.

Make a change