Back from the shops

The way you store food when back from the shops can make cooking easier and help stop food waste.

  • Follow advice on the food packets about storage
  • Packet clips or pegs can help keep food fresh once it’s opened
  • Store potatoes and apples in a cool, dark place so that they last longer
  • If you’ve had a takeaway, the plastic tubs are great for storing opened packets in the cupboard or fridge
  • You could hide certain foods out of sight from yourself and your kids. This could be on a high shelf, so you won’t reach for them as often. Your kids might then forget to ask
  • Keeping alcohol out of sight can help you avoid drinking more than you plan

Look through your cupboards every few weeks for foods close to or past their best before dates. You can use them up or put them in your food waste bin. Before you plan your next week’s shop, look at what you haven’t used and plan to use it up

Freezing your food

  • If freezing food before the 'use by' date, follow any freezing or thawing instructions on the label
  • Meat that you don't need straight away can be separated into individual portions and frozen
  • Freeze half your loaf, to avoid getting to the end of the week and having to throw out unused bread
  • You can freeze foods you might not expect, like cheese and milk, if you don’t need them straight away
  • Thaw food in the fridge so that it doesn't get too warm
  • Use food within one to two days after it’s been defrosted – it will go off in the same way as if it were fresh

Find further information on freezing food safely here 

Keep a pen around for writing the date opened on jars and packets and for things you keep in the freezer.

Making a change

How to make small, manageable changes to what you eat and drink.

Make a change