Healthier and cheaper ways to cook

The way that food is cooked can make a difference to how healthy it is.

Healthier ways to cook

Some basic techniques will get you through most recipes, these include:

  • Chopping
  • Boiling and simmering
  • Baking and roasting
  • Grilling
  • Steaming
  • Frying
For healthier ways to cook, try grilling, poaching or steaming rather than frying or roasting – this means you won’t need to add any extra fat to the pan

For example:

For eggs, poached or boiled is a tasty alternative to frying

Boiling or steaming vegetables is also an option

Instead of frying your steak you could cook it in a griddle pan or grill it

When frying you can use less oil, or an oil spray.

Cheaper ways to cook

Saving energy when cooking is good for the environment and the bank balance. There are lots of simple tricks to help save energy, and money, when cooking.

  • A microwave is usually the cheapest way to heat up food
  • A kettle can boil water more quickly than a pan. It can be transferred to a pan on the hob for steaming or boiling
  • Food only needs to be just covered with water to cook (more can be added if needed). Putting lids on pans helps to keep the heat in
  • When cooking on the hob, using a pan that is the right size for the amount of food you are cooking ensures less energy is used

Most foods cooked in a pan just need to simmer after boiling, so the temperature can be turned down once reached.

  • The oven loses heat each time you open the door
  • Boiling potatoes in a pan before roasting cuts down the time needed to cook in the oven
  • Microwaving potatoes before baking them can reduce cooking time
  • If cooking a large joint of meat, cutting it into smaller pieces means it will cook more quickly
  • You can keep any extras in the fridge or freeze them to thoroughly heat through when you need them

Making a change

How to make small, manageable changes to what you eat and drink.

Make a change