Eating at work

Many of us spend a large chunk of our lives at work, so it is important to think about our eating habits.

Eating at work can mean preparing food at home and taking it with you. It can also mean eating “on the go”, or at cafes or restaurants with co-workers. 

There are lots of things that will impact this, such as shift patterns, or whether there is a work canteen.
  • Planning in advance is key for eating more healthily at work, and could save you money too
  • Making time in the morning to eat something, or preparing something to take with you, can stop you spending money on unhealthy options
  • If you have a fridge and microwave at work you could take soup or a baked potato to heat up, or leftovers from the day before
  • Pack some snacks to stop you reaching for unhealthy options. You could buy multipacks of items like yoghurt or fruit
  • A bag of unsalted nuts and raisins can be split into portions for each day
  • Buying fruit and vegetables and preparing it yourself is cheaper than buying it pre-prepared
  • You could chop up some apples, cucumber and carrots a day or two in advance and take to work in a reusable tub
  • It’s important to drink plenty of fluids, and water is a good choice. A reusable bottle of water with added fruit or cucumber slices can add flavour

Preparing and taking meals with you is the best way to have full control over what you eat.

The workplace can have lots of temptation, such as birthday cakes and tubs of sweets. Keeping yourself full with healthy snacks could help stop you having unhealthy ones

You can still get involved in workplace celebrations without eating too much of the unhealthy food on offer. Don’t be afraid to put your health first and say no thanks!

If you enjoy going out for lunch with colleagues, but feel like its maybe too often, picking certain days to do it will make it a more special occasion

Making a change

How to make small, manageable changes to what you eat and drink.

Make a change