Meal planning

There is more than one way to eat a healthier diet and meal planning can help you start.

You can make healthy swaps for many of the things you already eat and like rather than coming up with something new.

  • Meal planning can feel like a big change, especially if you have never done it before.
  • Instead of changing everything, it is easier to change one small thing at a time.

Don't put pressure on yourself to get everything 'right' straight away.

If you want to start planning your meals, you could try one or two of the tips below:

  • Look in the kitchen to see what you have, what you need to use up and what space you have in the cupboard, fridge and freezer
  • Will you have busy days where you will be too tired to cook? Will you be eating out of the house? Do you need to take packed lunches?
  • Plan for something simpler on busy days, or plan to cook something in advance that you can heat up

Over a week you could have a mix of home cooked meals, some 'put together' meals from jars and packets, and some ready meals. You could leave one or two days a week unplanned, to use up leftovers or what’s in the freezer.

  • If you plan to cook, make sure you have the time. If ingredients are left in the fridge while you eat something else it could go to waste
  • There are lots of recipes out there to try, and you need to think about the time, energy and clearing up afterwards
  • If you are following a recipe, you can usually swap one ingredient for another without making too much difference to the taste
  • If a type of meat is cheaper, if you prefer a different vegetable, you could make a swap
  • If you are buying fresh ingredients think of ways to use them across a few nights, or freeze if you don't need them all

Once you have planned some meals and snacks, make a shopping list with the items you need for the next week or two.

Eatwell Everyday

Food Standards Scotland’s Eatwell Everyday resource shows you how you can eat more healthily, bringing together all the recommendations for a healthy balanced diet including two examples of a week’s meal plan. Click here to learn how you can use Eatwell Everyday.

Making a change

How to make small, manageable changes to what you eat and drink.

Make a change